Common errors in English language-part 6

Un-English expressions

Mistakes often result from too close a translation into English of foreign idiomatic expressions. The following are examples of such mistakes:


1:Take an exam, not give an exam.

Don't say: The pupil gave his exam.

Say:The pupil took his exam.

Note: The teacher gives or sets the exam The student takes the exam or sits the exam.


2. To be right or wrong, not to have right or wrong.

Don't say: You've right or You've wrong.

Say: You're right or You're wrong.


3. To be busy, not to have work.

Don't say: I have much work this morning.

Say: I'm very busy this morning.

Note:We can say I have a lot of work to do this morning.


4. It's cold, etc. not it has cold, etc.

Don't say: It has cold this winter.

Say: It's cold this winter.


5. Go for a walk, not make a walk.

Don't say: We made a walk along the river.

Say; We went for a walk along the river.

Note:  We can also say We had a walk or We took a walk along the over. 


6. Go for a ride on a bicycle, etc., not go for a walk on a bicycle, etc.

Don't say: We went for a walk on our bicycles.

Say: We went for a ride on our bicycles.

Note We ride on a bicycle, on horseback, etc. but we ride on a bus, train, or other public vehicle.


7. Mount or get on a horse, etc. not ride a horse, etc.

Don't say: Peter rode his horse and went home.

Say: Peter got on his horse and rode home.

Note To ride denotes a continuous action To mount or to get on denotes a simple action.


8. Dismount or get off a horse, etc., not come down from a horse, etc.

Don't say: They came down from their horses.

Say: They got off their horses.

Note We get out of a taxi or a car We get on or off the tram, the bus, etc


9. Go on foot, not go with the feet.

Don't say: Shall we go there with the feet?

Say: Shall we go there on foot?


10. Take or have a shower, not make a shower.

Don't say: I make a shower every morning.

Say: I take a shower every morning.Or I have a shower every morning.

Note When speaking of the sea or the river, say. to bathe, to have a bathe,to go for a bathe, to go bathing, to go for a swim or to go swimming.


11. Ask a question, not make a question.

Don't say: Naomi made me several questions.

Say: Naomi asked me several questions. 


12. Take an hour, not need an hour, etc.

Don't say: I'll need an hour to do that.

 Say: It'll take me an hour to do that.


13. Give a discount, not make a discount.

Don't say: He made me a small discount.

Say: He gave me a small discount.


14. Take exercise, not make exercise.

Don't say: You ought to make more exercise.

Say: You ought to take more exercise.


15. Give or deliver a lecture, not make a lecture.

Don't say: He made an interesting lecture.

Say: He gave an interesting lecture.Or He delivered an interesting lecture.

Note We say He made an interesting speech.


16. Say one's prayers, not make or do one's prayer.

Don't say: I make my prayer before I go to bed.

Say: I say my prayers before 1 go to bed.

Note:To say grace is to ask God's blessing before beginning  meaning.


17. Pretend not make oneself that.

Don't say: She makes herself that she knows.

Say: She pretends to know.


18. Have a dream, not see a dream.

Don't say: I saw a strange dream last night.

Say: I had a strange dream last night.

Or: I dreamt a strange dream last night.


19. Smoke a cigarette, etc. not drink a cigarette, etc.

Don't say: He drinks too many cigarettes.

Say: He smokes too many cigarettes.


20. Make a mistake, not do a mistake.

Don't say: I did one mistake in dictation.

Say: I made one mistake in dictation.


21. Tell or speak the truth, not say the truth.

Don't say: Fiona always says the truth.

Say: Fiona always tells the truth.Or: Fiona always speaks the truth.

Note Aiso to tel l a lie (not to say a lie) He told me a lie.


22. See or watch a game, not to follow a game.

Don't say: Did you follow the game?

Say: Did you see (or watch) the game?

Note  Avoid saying to follow the lesson when n you mean to attend the class.


23. Turn (switch) the light on or off, don't open or shut the light.

Don't say: Please open (or shut) the light.

Say: Please turn on (or off) the light Or Please switch on (or off) the light.

Note We light blow out  put out a lamp, a candle, or a fire.


24. Give an example, not bring an example.

Don't say: Can you bring a better example?

Say: Can you give a better example?


25. Give a mark, not put a mark.

Don't say: The teacher put me a good mark.

Say: The teacher gave me a good mark.

Note. Avoid to put a lesson, to put a goal Say instead, t o give a lesson ,to score a goal . 


26. Set a watch by, not put a watch with.

Don't say: I put my watch with the radio news.

Say: I set my watch by the radio news.


27. A watch is slow or fast, not goes behind or in front.

Don't say: My watch goes two minutes behind.

Say: My watch is two minutes slow.

Note We can also say My watch loses or gains.


28. Show a film, not play a film.

Don't say: This film will be played shortly.

Say: This film will be shown shortly.


29. Have one's hair cut, not cut one's hair.

Don't say: I'm going to cut my hair.

Say: I'm going to have my hair cut.

Note Avond I'll wear a suit and a pair of shoes. Say instead I'll have a pair of shoes (or a suit of clothes) made.


30. Learn by heart, not learn from out.

Don't say: We have a poem to learn from out.

Say : We have a poem to learn by heart.


31. Pvt on weight, not put weight.

Don't say: I've put at least three kilos.

Say: I've put on at least three kilos.

Note. The opposite of to put on weight is to lose weight: She has lost five kilos.


32. It works miracles, not it makes miracles.

Don't Say: That medicine makes miracles.

 Say: That medicine works miracles. 


33. Getting on with, not going with.

Don't say: How is Susan going with her work?

Say: How is Susan getting on with her work?


34. This morning, etc., not today morning, etc.

Don't say: I haven't seen him today morning.

Say: I haven't seen him this morning.

Note: today morning, today afternoon, today evening.Yesterday night, this night. Say this morning , this afternoon , this evening , last night, tonight.


35. Quietly, not slowly, slowly.

Don't say: The boy came in slowly, slowly.

 Say: The boy came in quietly.


36. What's the matter not What have you?

Don't say: What have you today?

Say: What's the matter with you today?

Note What's wrong (with you)What's the trouble with you And What's the problem with you today?


37. What do you call ...? not How do you call.

Don't say, How do you call this in English?

Say: What do you call this in English?

Note: If the question isn't about a thing, but about some expression we'd say How do you say this in English ? 

Vipin Thapliyal
Founder & IELTS Trainer