Using the wrong preposition
Mistakes are often made by using the wrong preposition after certain words. The following list includes the words which most often give trouble.
1. Pleased with, not from.
Don't say, The teacher is pleased from me.
Say, The teacher is pleased with me.
Note: We say pleased at or pleased with an abstract noun or a clause.
follows: They were pleased at (or with) what he said; they were pleased at (or with) her results.
2. Popular with, not among.
Don't say, John's popular among his friends.
Say, John's popular with his friends.
3 .Prefer to, not from.
Don't say, I prefer a blue pen from a red one.
Say, I prefer a blue pen to a red one.
Note: It's also preferable to This car is preferable to my old one.
4. Preside at or over, not in.
Don't say, Who presided in the last meeting?
Say: Who presided at (or over) the last meeting?
5. Proud of, not for
Don't say, He's very proud for his promotion.
Say: He's very proud of his promotion.
Note: We say to take a pride in a craftsman takes pride in his work.
6. Rejoice at or in, not for.
Don't say, We rejoiced for her success.
Say: We rejoiced at (or in) her success.
7. Related to, not with
Don't say, Are you related with Simon in any way?
Say Are you related to Simon in any way?
Note: Also related to Is he related to you?
8. Repent of, not from.
Don't say, He repented from his crime.
Say, He repented of his crime.
Note: Repentance takes time. He feels repentance for his son.
9. Satisfied with, not from.
Don't say, Are you satisfied from your marks?
Say: Are you satisfied with your marks?
Note: Also content with, delighted with, unhappy with, happy with, dissatisfied with, dissatisfied with, or disgusted with.
10. Similar to, not with
Don't say, Your house is similar with mine.
Say, Your house is similar to mine.
11. Sit at a desk, etc., not on a desk, etc.
Don't say, The bank manager was sitting on a desk.
Say: The bank manager was sitting at his desk.
Note : Also sit at a table. But on a chair, on a bench, on a sofa, etc.; in an armchair, in a tree, or up a tree a bird sometimes perches (sits) on a tree.
12. Spend on, not for.
Don't say, I spend a lot of time for my computer.
Say, "I spend a lot of time on my computer.
13. Succeed in, not at.
Don't say: I hope he'll succeed at his work.
Say: I hope he'll succeed in his work.
Note: A person succeeds to a property, a title, or an office: Queen Elizabeth I succeeded to the throne in 1952. Also, one person can succeed another.
14. Superior to, not from, or than
Don't say, This is superior from (or better than) that.
Say, This is superior to that.
Note: Also inferior to, junior to, senior to, subsequent to, prior to.
15. Sure of, not for.
Don't say, I'm quite sure for her honesty.
Say: I'm quite sure of her honesty.
Note : I'm also quite certain of.
16. Surprise at or by, not for.
Don't say, Harold was surprised for the loud bang.
Say: Harold was surprised by the loud bang.
Note: also astonished at/by, amazed at/by, alarmed at/by, puzzled at/by,shocked at/by .
17. Suspect of, not for.
Don't say: I suspect Kate for stealing the pen.
Say: I suspect Kate of stealing the pen.
Note Also suspicious of dogs are suspicious of strangers.
18 .Take by» not from.
Don't say: Robert took his brother from the hand.
Say: Robert took his brother by the hand.
Note: Also hold by, catch by, seize by, snatch by, grasp by.
19 . Tie to, not on.
Don't say;The girl tied the string on the kite.
Say: The girl tied the string to the kite.
Note Also bind to: The prisoner was bound to the stake.
20. Tired of, not from.
Don't say: The boys are tired from eating boiled eggs.
Say:Thd boys are tired of eating boiled eggs.
21. Translate into, not to.
Don't say; Translate this passage to English.
Say: Translate this passage into English.
22. Tremble with cold, etc., not from cold. etc.
Don't say: The man was trembling from cold.
Say : The man was trembling with cold.
Note: Also shake with and shiver with. The thief was shaking with fear.
23. Warn (a person) of danger, not about danger.
Don't say: They were warned about the danger.
Say: They were warned of the danger.
Note: I use warn about for specific things.