Common errors in English language- part 2

Using the wrong preposition

Mistakes are often made by using the wrong preposition after certain words. The following list includes the words which most often give trouble: 



1. Disappointed by, about, or at, not from.

(a) by/at/about

Don't say Phillipa was disappointed by the low mark she got in the test.

Say: Phillipa was disappointed by, about, or at the low mark she got in the test.

(b) with/in: Don't say: Jane was disappointed by her son.

Say :Jane was disappointed with or her son.

Note :I Before a person we use with or in, before a thing we use at, about, or by, and before a gerund we use at: Keith is very disappointed at not winning the prize. We use that (optional before a new clause), and I was disappointed I didn't get an invitation.


2. Divide into parts, not into parts.

Don't say: I divided the cake into parts.

Say: I divided the cake into four parts.

Note: A thing may be divided in half or in two. Paul divided the apple in half. (or in two).


3. No doubt (n) of or about, not for

Don't say it; I've no doubt about his ability.

Say: I've no doubt of (or about) his ability.

Note: Doubtful of: I am doubtful of his ability to pass.


4. Dressed in, not with.

Don't say, The woman was dressed with black.

Say:The woman was dressed in black.

Note: The woman in black is also correct.


5. Exception to, not of.

Don't say, This is an exception of the rule.

Say: This is an exception to the rule.

Note: We say that, with the exception of physics, she liked all her subjects.


6. Exchange for, not by.

Don't say :he exchanged his collection of matchboxes by some foreign stamps.

Say: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes for some foreign stamps.

Note: In exchange, he gave them his old car in exchange for a new one.


7. Fail in, not out.

Don't say: Steven failed maths last year.

Say :Steven failed in maths last year.


8. Full of, not with or from

Don't say, The jar was full with (or from) oil.

Say: The jar was full of oil.

Note: Jane filled the glass with water.


9. Get rid of, not from.

Don't say, I'll be glad to get rid from him.

Say, "I'll be glad to get rid of him.


10. Glad about, not from or with.

Don't say, Francis was glad to receive your letter.

Say: Francis was glad about receiving your letter.


11. Good at, not in.

Don't say: My sister's good in math.

Say:"My sister's good at math.

Note 1: bad at, clever at, quick at, slow at, etc. However, he's weak in grammar.

Note 2: He's good in class means that his conduct is good.


12. Guard against, not from.

Don't say: You must guard from bad habits.

Say:"You must guard against bad habits.


13. guilty of, not for

Don't say:He was found guilty for murder.

Say: He was found guilty of murder.


14. Independent of, not from

Don't say: Claire's independent from her parents.

Say: Claire's independent of her parents.

Note: When we say dependent on, we mean that a child is dependent on its parents.


15. Indifferent to, not for.

Don't say:They're indifferent for politics.

Say: They're indifferent to politics.


16. Insist on,  not to.

Don't say: He always insisted to his opinion.

Say: He always insisted on his opinion.

Note :Persist take;, in He persisted in his silly ideas.


17. Interested in, not for.

Don't say: She's not interested for her work.

Say: She's not interested in her work.

Note: Also take an interest in She takes a great interest in music.


18.Jealous of, not from.

Don't say: He's very jealous from his brother.

Say: He's very jealous of his brother.


19. Leave for a place, not to a place.

Don't say:They're leaving to England soon.

Say: They're leaving for England soon.


20. Live on, not from.

Don't say: He lives from his brother's money.

Say: He lives on his brother's money.

Note: Feed on Some birds feed on insects.


21. Look at, not to.

Don't say: Look to this beautiful picture.

Say: Look at this beautiful picture.

Note: Also gaze at, stare at, etc Bui. look after (= take care of); look for(= tr, to find), look over (= examine); look into (=examine closely), look on or upon (= consider), look down on (= have a low opinion of), look up to( expect); look forward to (= expect with pressure),look to (= rely on).


22. Preferred to, not with.

Don't say : Angela was married with a rich man.

Say: Angela was married to a rich man

Note: Also engaged to Sally was engaged to Peter for a year because they go.


23. Opposite to, not from

Don't say:Their house is opposite from ours.

Say: Their house is opposite to ours.

Note: Opposite ours is also correct.


24. Pass by a place, not from a place.

Don't say: Will you pass from the post-office?

Say: Will you pass by the post-office?

Note : Also pass the post-office is correct.


25.  Play for a team, not with a team.

Don't say: He plays regularly with that team.

Say: He plays regularly for that team. 

Vipin Thapliyal
Founder & IELTS Trainer